Friday, June 18, 2010

Only Bell

A classic!!! I have a client whose site I can't access.
Now, the site isn't down. It can be accessed from Rogers Internet service, it's accessible in the USA, but for whatever reason, on two Bell services (one at an internet cafe, and mine at home) I can't access this site. Of all the sites in the world, this one I'd have to have troubles with. Bell looked in to it, and had their best people in Chennai, India escalating the issue only to come to the conclusion it's not a Bell issue. And yet, it seems, it is. Welcome to the Cdn. telco dilemma, where you're F'$%^& by mutually unappealing choices, between expensive cable or expensive telco, and neither with a modicum of customer service. Hey Bell, how about owning the f'n problem and resolving it. How about, hey, it is our issue, we'll resolve it.

And while I'm on a rant about this company, Another reason I hate Bell is they advertise a lower plan fee for Internet service, but make you rent their modems for $5, so the plans are actually, never what they advertise. Hey Bell, Fuck you. When I lived in the U.S. Verizon gave you the option to buy or rent. Either way it was cheaper than Bell. I could buy Verizon's modem for $45. Bell charges you $60 a year for white, or black, piece of shit that you have to re-boot and for which you need a network admin around to help you set up your own wireless network behind theirs. It never ends with this company......

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