First and foremost, I'm going to try to mitigate expletives from my blog posts. I can't even begin to tell you how difficult this is, given the level of frustration dealing with Bell, and telco companies in general. Sometimes no other word more accurately defines the depths of ineptitude, greed or bad service. That said, heres the rant this week.....
After canceling Bell's TV and Internet service 6 weeks ago, and several phone calls to Bell Canada and their call center in the Philippines, I thought (and I should have known better), we're all done. But alas, no. I had, in mid September an outstanding balance that had not been paid since I opened the account, for Internet. Because when I signed up, although I was billed at a rate of the bundled price, their two different billing systems 'didn't talk to each other', so apparently (i only e-bank so i don't really read what's going through my account ) I wasn't being billed for Internet. I get different paper bills and I get ebills. So after closing the account, and being on the phone several times I pay off the outstanding amount of my Internet bill because there couldn't figure out how to bill it together.
Today, October 4, I get another bill. Some nominal amount, plus interest for late charges. Really. Ok, so I call Bell. Then of course, they can't take my call, I have to be transferred to Internet. I have two numbers on my bill - a phone number, and an account number. Naturally, rather than finding my account info from, uh, my name, which might be easier, or the phone number, which would be 2nd easiest cuz you know them off the top of your head, they want a unique B1 number. I don't have this on my bill. So then we go with the 16 digit account number which they can't find. Then we go back to the phone number. Why didn't we start with this?
Well, the ending is good - I didn't owe any more money and the account shows a 0 balance. This after 8 minutes of my life spent and a call back to the Philippines to confirm that the twits up in Canada indeed should not have sent out a paper bill.
Just when I thought my relationship with the phone company was finally done - bad service, non-stop billing errors, screwed up IVR prompts and one massive waste of time and productivity dealing with Bell was over...... it continues!!!
Stay tuned, or cross your fingers.
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