Friday, October 22, 2010


With Bell Canada, the pain just never seems to end.
I canceled my service in prep for moving back to the US.
This was two months ago, and it seems every few weeks I get new bill.
Some F#$% up that never went through. I mean, at this point, it's almost comical except all the time I've wasted on this.

I'm being bill for somethings, not other things, I'm getting two different bills, I'm getting charged different rates. It seems I'm on the phone with Bell every other week canceling my service over again. I said when I canceled my account I'm moving and they did, kindly say they wouldn't charge me the early termination fee. That didn't make it through the system and two months later, after thinking I'm finally done, and several hours of phone calls, I get this bill with another charge.

I can only hope at this point, to the telco gods, that this is it. No more!!1 Bell, I can't stand it, you're driving me crazy! If it wasn't for a telco oligopoly and Canada's wishy washy trade policies that keep you protected from providing better service, you would have been done for years ago. I'm not saying that things are so much better south of the border, but I can say, rates are better, service is better and I've never in my life encountered as many billing issues as with you. Good luck.
And hopefully, au revoir!

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