Friday, October 8, 2010

T-Mobile - We're breaking up, kiss my A** Goodbye

Up until a few months ago things were going so well.

Your rates were reasonable.
I've been a T-mobile customer on contract for most of my life in the USA, and then when I transferred to Canada for a work placement, I switched to pre-paid. Reasonable service, reasonable rates, and for the most part I was happy with reception. I travelled a lot to the USA and always used my Tmobile phone to avoid roaming charges on my Cdn. cell providers, who's rates are about double.

Then, we dropped the ball Tmobile. In a big way.

First, I guess my balance 'went to zero'. Now, I did have a period of time when I wasn't in the USA and the last time I was I guess I used most of my minutes, but not to zero. Then one day I go to check my voice mail, maybe 75 days after the last time I was in the USA. No voice mail. No account!!! WTF?????

I called Tmobile and asked them WTF and was told they cancel an account if it goes to zero and stays zero for more than a few months. Maybe it was 3 months. But no notice. I'm thinking EMAIL would be one way to let me know!!! The problem is, that phone number is on all my business cards and you know, I've had the number for 4 years now.

So I'm told I have to get another sim card. And of course, they can't mail it to Canada. So I have to have it sent to a friend in the USA, in this case an ex in NYC.
She kindly sends it up to me via fedex. Ok, good to go, going to get my number back.

NO. I've been on the line with Tmobile for 75 minutes now. I've been bounced between post paid and prepaid 3 times. The dufusses in Prepaid can't figure out what to do and punt me in to the main voice mail system, and I end up back in Post paid, only to hold again and get transferred back to Prepaid. I'm getting dizzy now.

So, with SIM card in card and eagerly awaiting the reclaiming of my phone number, I'm told I need an activation code. Most unfortunately that was not in the package I received. Ok, back to square 1. Have to go back and go to a store I'm told. Ok, let's get in the car and drive to Buffalo!! Really, really! I'd like to know why I can't active a phone with just the f'ing sim card, now I have to have a code.

I'm at 80 minutes now and no closer to resolving my issue. The dipshits at the call center aren't smart enough to handle anything off their script. Your IVR system sucks. You've wasted more time than you're worth. By tmobile - kiss my ass. Life is too short to deal with such an inept customer service company.

Here's a time breakdown:

Call 1.
2:30minutes in IVR land before I get to a rep. Then transferred to Pre paid
1:30 on hold
11:42 talk to a pre paid rep, realizes I don't have an activation code. punts me back to the main IVR system.
13:30 on hold
16:15 no live agent, can't find my way out of the IVR, stuck trying to enter my social security number, which of course, they don't have.
19:22 back to Prepaid on hold
22:14 lady from the main service stays on with me to make sure Prepaid takes care of my issues, then hangs up
29:31 Agent can't figure out what to do, puts me back in to IVR system but tells me I'm hold?
31:45 on hold
33:19 new accounts, starting from scratch here.
49:19 On hold for 16 minutes with prepaid. put back in to main menu IVR
call back - start over
2:50 IVR
6:00 minutes chat with Post Paid, transfer me to Prepaid
10:25 talk to Prepaid rep, I elevate to a supervisor,
32:34minutes on hold, transferred to another group
38:25 minutes on hold. women is over the top gushy, like a grandma that's slightly dumb. "Oh I'm so so so sorry, I do apologize for that. Now let me see, I'm going to raise my hand and get a supervisor. I'm sorry for that, we do apologize, just one moment"........ Said in a slow slow tone like an old women. She was nice, but just so over the top, just handle me case competently, I don't need apologies, just solutions!!

45:23 transferred to auto IVR for activation. Over an hour of my life given to IVR and incompetence at Tmobile.

Total time: 100minutes, still not activation.
Hey T Mobile - Get a clue!!!

If I were to send this to customer service, some dumbass making $9 an hour is going to write to bad so sad thanks for writing bullshit response letter, so, I'm taking a draft of this transaction and mailing it to the higher ups. Ever notice how you can't find real people to talk to at these companies. The ones actually responsible for the screwups or non friendly consumer policies.

So, I'm going to write to and if you have a beef with T Mobile, you should write them too!

Lisa LaFosse - Sr. VP - Retail Sales
John Fierrer - Sr. VP - Customer Loyalty

T-Mobile USA
12929 SE 38th St.
Bellevue, WA

1 comment:

  1. Post Script.

    I finally get an Activation code from some higher up without having to go to a store.

    I call back, IVR hell again. 19:04 minutes.
    finally get a pre-paid rep who says I can't get my old phone number back, now I'm back on hold waiting for a supervisor...... WTF Tmobile.
